Improving health in the community
Specialists at health promotion and health education centres are on hand to provide a range of activities within your community aimed at improving health. With the help of the information received and the skills taught, you will find it easier to introduce healthy habits into your life and make certain decisions on your health. They organise the following:
- health days focusing on various health promotion topics
- health open days at health centres
- talks, workshops and advice sessions on:
- healthy lifestyles
- healthy diet
- physical activities to strengthen health
- strengthening mental health
- giving up smoking
- giving up risky/harmful alcohol consumption
- oral hygiene
- personal hygiene
- safe exposure to the sun
- the importance of breast self-examination, testicular self-examination and mole self-assessment
- the importance of sleep and rest
- type 2 diabetes
- vaccination
- preventing falls among the elderly
- inclusion in national prevention and screening programmes (Dora, Zora, Svit)
- other current health-related topics
- ‘Svit Days’, where you will be told everything you need to know about taking part in the Svit programme (the national screening programme for the early detection of precancerous changes and colorectal cancer
- local 2k test walks
- many other activities and events relevant to your local community
Contact your local health promotion or health education centre for information on the activities taking place where you are.