Get active and enjoy your health


What is a preventive examination?

A preventive examination will help you gain a better insight into your state of health. Find out what you can do to enjoy a better, healthier and longer life.


Activities to improve your health

Sometimes all you need to start living a healthier life is a little encouragement.



To help you take care of yourself, the Slovenian health system is introducing the Together for Health prevention programme. You can take part in its activities free of charge.

Prefer being in company?

Check which activities to improve health and reduce health inequality are available in your area.

Take a look at what’s happening near you

Do you value your health?

The fast pace of life today means we too often neglect our health—right up to the moment when prevention is already too late.

Come for a preventive examination

Want to do something to improve your health?

Activities that can help you take the first step towards making positive changes to health and lifestyle.

Take part in activities to improve your health

Do you value your health?

The fast pace of life today means we too often neglect our health—right up to the moment when prevention is already too late.

Come for a preventive examination

Want to do something for your health?

Activities that can help you take the first step towards making positive changes to your health.

Take part in activities to improve your health

Prefer being in company?

Check which activities to improve health and reduce health inequality are available in your area.

Take a look at what’s happening near you

Tips for good health

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