A local health promotion group, which is the main entity involved in delivering a local-community based approach to health, comprises those institutions, organisations and individuals that have an impact on health in the community and are able to help secure conditions conducive to the development of the community and the health of its inhabitants (health centres, the Health Insurance Institute, the National Institute of Public Health, municipalities, nursery schools and schools, social services centres, the Employment Service of Slovenia, other public institutions, business and NGO representatives, and others). Local health promotion groups embody the community-based approach to health, which is an effective way of addressing vulnerability, reducing inequality and improving the health of all.


A healthy community at all stages of life ensures the satisfaction of everyone’s basic needs, a high-quality, sustainable environment, a satisfactory level of economic and social development, health and social equality, and supportive and respectful social relations. One way to secure a healthy community is to adopt a community-based approach through local health promotion groups.


If a healthy community is simultaneously the goal and the path towards that goal, certain changes need to be made to the way we think and act, the paradigms within which we operate and the way we view the world.
Handbooks, information catalogues and other documents help us to achieve our goal of employing an integrated health education policy at the local community level.


A community-based approach to health allows us to respond to the needs of the local population, improve access to prevention services and healthcare provision, develop support networks and self-help groups, and incorporate formal and informal forms of assistance. It requires partners in local environments to work in a coordinated and integrated way to overcome obstacles, and to develop techniques that go beyond the classic institution-based ways of working.


Lokalne skupine – novice

Delavnica o vzpostavitvi LSKZ Nova Gorica

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Lokalne skupine – novice

Delavnica o delovanju lokalne skupine za krepitev zdravja in strateškem načrtovanju v lokalni skupnosti

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet purus non dui sollicitudin…

Activities to improve your health

Sometimes all you need to start living a healthier life is a little encouragement. Activities to improve your health are available at the health promotion or health education centres located within every health centre in Slovenia.

Experts at health promotion and health education centres

You will be helped in your quest to change your lifestyle by qualified experts from a range of different fields.

Activities and programmes

Sometimes all you need to start living a healthier life is a little encouragement.


Health promotion consultations are shorter one-to-one consultations with specialists from health promotion and health education centres.

Screening for areas of functional weakness

Screening for areas of functional weakness is aimed at anyone aged 65 or over. The screening process will tell you what you need to know about your health and well-being in general physical, mental and social terms.

Health  promotion centres  and health education centres